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Govt Approves Tk 164.84 Billion Deals for Fuel and Fertilizer

Industry: Agriculture & Livestock, Energy & Power, Fertilizer, Oil & Petroleum

The government has approved procurement deals totaling Tk 164.84 billion for refined fuel oil from eight state-owned enterprises across six countries from July to December. These countries include Oman, Malaysia, Thailand, UAE, China, Indonesia, and Malaysia’s Indian Oil Corporation. Additionally, 30,000 tonnes of diesel will be purchased from India’s Numaligarh Refinery Ltd for Tk 2.736 billion during the same period. A cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) costing Tk 5.835 billion will be imported from M/S Total Energies Gas and Power Ltd, Switzerland, at a rate of US$12.58 per Metric Million British Thermal Unit (MMBtu). Furthermore, the government has approved the import of 80,000 tonnes of MOP fertilizer from Canadian Commercial Corporation, Canada, with each lot of 40,000 tonnes costing Tk 1.30 billion, priced at $275.50 per tonne.

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