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Govt Issues Tk 2,357 Crore Bonds to Settle Fertiliser Importers’ Arrears

Industry: Agriculture & Livestock, Fertilizer
Economic Tag: Govt.

The Finance Division issued special bonds worth Tk 2,357 crore to clear arrears for fertilizer importers, following a previous batch of Tk 3,016 crore issued earlier. This move aims to settle outstanding payments to suppliers and power producers. The bonds, totaling Tk 26,000 crore, will gradually address these debts. They are being issued to nine public and private banks and will accrue interest at the repo rate of 8%. The bonds have maturity periods of eight, nine, and ten years and can be included in banks’ statutory liquidity ratio calculations. This initiative aims to alleviate financial strains on suppliers and power producers while facilitating smoother operations in the agriculture and energy sectors.

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