Air conditioners (ACs) have become increasingly popular among all classes in Bangladesh. Previously considered a luxury item for the upper class, ACs are now in high demand due to factors such as 100% electrification, increased purchasing power, affordable prices, and efficient services. Local brands such as GREE, Walton, Singer, Media, and Vision have gained significant market share, accounting for around 70 to 75% of the AC market. Meanwhile, renowned international brands like Panasonic, Daikin, LG, Samsung, Sharp, General, Toshiba, and Whirlpool cater to the preferences of higher middle-class and premium customers. The AC market in Bangladesh has experienced steady growth, with industry insiders estimating the sale of at least 500,000 units for residential purposes this year. The market’s expansion can be attributed to rising temperatures, reaching record highs in Dhaka. Split air conditioners dominate the market, followed by window air conditioners. The industry has witnessed an annual growth rate of around 10% over the past decade, thanks to more affordable pricing.
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